Saturday, December 5, 2009

L2TD Part B - Videos Online

I have picked this video as it done by my work mates for the Mashitup 2009 Staff entry . They have a great sense of humour and don't mind having and making fun of themselves. They are GREAT.

Friday, December 4, 2009

L2TD Part B - More Google

View My world in a larger map

I have made my map with the places I go to on a very regular basis. I have not included where I live but it is close too.

L2TD Part B - Web browsers

I use FireFox at home and Internet explorer at work. I also have a portable FireFox on my portable drive - this allows me to save my favourites from home and take them on the road with me. I use a few add-ons with FireFox which gives it the advantage over explorer.
My son has google chrome on his laptop so I have had a go with it and I find it much the same as FireFox. I have also used safari on a Mac and I think it is the same as FireFox. The open source ones seem to run a bit smoother that explorer to me.
The add-ons for FireFox that i think would work well in the library environment are - Imtranslator, Incredible bookmarks, IE Tab, and Fox lingo Translator.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

L2TD Part B - Podcast & Audio

I have helped record an author talk for a podcast but podcasts is not something that I listen to. I hear them advertised( like on the TV and radio) but I have not listened to any. After reading testdrive #3 - I am more keen to experiment with them.
The podcast on NSW library site were very easy to access unlike streaming from Radio National, it took awhile to connect. I like the idea of listening abit before downloading. The transcript of the Radio National podcast is good too for people with hearing difficulties.
I did a search for family history podcasts in google - and low and behold I had 36200000 hits but I looked at the first 3 and I am hooked. I got hold of some headphones and away I went - even my kids were giving me funny looks. My family history is about to get an overhaul because of the new information I have now. I think I will have to invest in a MP3 player for myself. I might have to find time to make my own podcasts on my family.

L2TD Part B - Mashups

We have used Mashups to make virtual tours of our branches.
I investigated "Suburbview". It was very interesting and I researched my local area and some closer to my son's uni. It gave a good insight into the costs and location but having the images just made the choices easier. Written descriptions of properties is open to your imagination but having the images and street view made it a reality - you could see what you were getting.
I aslo looked at the Mashup awards and the New York street was impressive - maybe we coulddo that with our library refurbishment to add to the local history information on our libraries. I have been involved in the Moreton Bay Libraries Mashitup program for the past 2 years and I am still impressed with the topics and ideas people come up with for mashups - the list is endless. Originality is the best - keep creating.

L2TD Part B - Online applications and tools

When working in libraries there is many a time you need to work with a group of collegues but you are located at different branches. Google Docs allows for group work/input into working documents without all participants being in the one room. This saves time and money. Less travel - more work time. 1 document = all information. I even recommend to some of our patrons to make their resumes in Google docs so that they can modify it and have access to it 24/7 to apply for jobs. I personal use Google docs to keep up-to-date with my cousins in England as we work on the family tree.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Extra Entry

Some of my entries have been on mass as I have been busy working on the technical side of a program we have been running at work for Moreton Bay Region Libraries. Mashitup 2009. I have been uploading and creating the DVD's for the finals of this program. To find out more about the program go to and to see this years entries and search for mashitup09. I believe there are still tickets available for the finals night at Redcliffe on the 10th July. Get your free tickets from Great family night. See the top 20 entries from the Mashitup 2009 program on the big screen.